Annandale Surgery has a long traditional of teaching young doctors aiming to specialise in General Practice. Dr Franklyn Harris and Dr Simon Selouk train and supervise our Registrars who are with us for 1 year.
All the doctors and nurses at the surgery are involved in the training. The registrars will sit and observe clinics and receive weekly tutorials.
On occasions a registrar may video his/her surgery for training purposes. We will always inform you if a surgery is being videoed and ask your explicit consent prior to the consultation.
If you do give consent but, following the consultation, wish to withdraw consent please let reception know as you leave.
We are an established training practice that helps transform hospital doctors into future GPs for our NHS. In order to be a training practice the surgery needs to pass strict criteria based on the highest levels of patient care. All of our doctors in training (Registrars) have hospital experience, many having already worked in A + E departments, maternity wards and in general medicine and surgery. Registrars spend one year at the practice.